
Representatives of the Agency are participating in a Study Tour on Islamic Finance and Green Sukuk in Istanbul

A delegation comprising representatives of the National Agency for Perspective Projects, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the UNDP Office in Uzbekistan is participating in a knowledge exchange and study tour on the theme “Islamic Finance and Green Sukuk in Turkey.” The tour, organized in Istanbul by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (ISPSD), aims to share expertise and best practices in this area.
During the visit, the delegation will explore advanced practices implemented in Turkey in key areas such as capital market regulation and Islamic finance. Particular attention will be given to the legal and regulatory frameworks, market practices, and prominent institutions operating in the Islamic finance sector. The visit will also cover the legal framework for “green sukuk”, its alignment with international principles and standards, and the practical aspects of issuing “green sukuk”.
This study tour will contribute to the development of more effective financial tools and strategies while providing opportunities for knowledge exchange with international experts and Turkish regulators experienced in managing and regulating Islamic finance and “green sukuk”.
The implementation of the acquired knowledge and practices in Uzbekistan, particularly in the context of Islamic securities, holds significant potential. Consequently, the delegation’s participation in this tour is an important step toward establishing sustainable and effective cooperation in the field of Islamic finance and “green sukuk”, ultimately supporting the successful implementation of these instruments in Uzbekistan.
For reference: The National Agency for Perspective Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the authorized state body responsible for regulating the capital market in Uzbekistan, and the Agency has currently drafted the “Capital Market Law”, which includes a separate chapter entitled “Types of Alternative Financial Instruments and General Rules”, which provides for Islamic securities.